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About Us
  1. What Is Caravan
  2. Why Caravan
  3. How It Works
  4. FAQ

What Is Caravan ?

Caravan is a Persian word for group of people traveling together. So the local caravan means a group of local travelers. The local caravan is a unique car pooling solution that helps people reaching their place with less carbon print. It will not only enable you to find people interested for the caravan but also let you know where exactly all the participants of caravan are on map. By using local caravan site, you can create your own caravan and embed a widget of caravan map on your website or your favorite social networking site such as Facebook.

Why Local Caravan?

You can use local caravan to daily commute to your office or work place. Create your caravan and put a widget of it on your office internal networking site or any other networking site. Share it among your colleague and friend. Your company can also encourage you for this effort as it will help resolve commuting problem for their employees and at the same time, it will help us in making this world less polluted.

Party Time
You have organized a party or you want to attend party. You can do so in whatever the way you like. However, while having a good time with your friends and relative, you can also give good time to your best friend Nature. You can create a caravan and ask your friends to join the caravan and do a car pooling. Even if one friend use caravan, you’re successful in doing positive change for our environment.

There is one event scheduled in your town and you want to attend it. The next thought comes in your mind is of heavy traffic and struggle in finding parking place. Well you can't avoid it. However you can do a little favor by using carpooling. Create a caravan and invite your friend to join. You can also post it on any networking site. If you find people in your neighbors who also want to attend the event, you can join them or ask them to join you. In this way, you can eliminate one car from the road for sure.

Prayer Time
You need to go to prayer. It's always good to take along a person who also wants to visit there. You will be doing help in three ways. For the person whom you are taking with you. For the place, where you can helping people to get parking place. And for yourself, as you may get rewarded for this help.

School/College Event
You are studying in a school/College. You can also contribute to reduce pollution and help make this world a better place. If there is an event organized in your school/college, create a caravan and post a link of it on your school/college website. Alternatively you can also post your caravan on facebook or any other social networking site so that your friend can participate on caravan. You can request your friend and their parent to register for caravan.

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Join Existing Caravan

To join an existing caravan, you first need to search the existing caravan for your match.You can click on search caravan from the home page menu bar.

You will get the list of existing caravan. You can find your match and click on the caravan to see the detail about it.

Once you click on any item from the list, it will show you the detail of the caravan.There is option available on detail page to join the selected caravan. On detail page, user can see the detail about caravan.

You can see the map and list view by clicking on respective tab.

To join the selected caravan, you can click on "Join Caravan" button at the middle of the page. To join any caravan, you have to first register with the and signed in.

If you don’t have an account with Local Caravan, you need to register first by clicking on Sign Up button. Fill up the form comes next and click on submit button to complete your registration process.

Once your registration process is completed, you will be automatically logged in with the application and it will take you to the joining page.

At joining page, you can enter your preferences. You can fill up your pickup time, drop time, frequency, days and other details at this page. Click on submit button at the bottom of the page to finally join the caravan. You are done. An email will be sent to your registered email with us and a notification email will be sent to the creator of this caravan so that he/she can contact you. There are few sharing options available for user at the top right corner of the map. You can share your joined caravan on facebook. You can also copy and paste link of your caravan map widget to your own website or any other website where you want to display your caravan widget.

Link Your Caravan Widget

If you click on link sign given at far right of the above image, it will popup a window where you can see the code to copy and paste it at your own website or personal page.

You can also preview your widget by clicking on the link at bottom of popup window "Customize and preview".

You can select the size of widget you need. You can also customize the width and height of widget.

Create Your Own Caravan

To create your own caravan, you can click on "Create Carvan" link from the home page menu bar.

You need to login first to create your caravan. If you are not a member, you can click on sign up button to register yourself.

Fill up the detail of your location. You can enter the name and address of the location, start and end time if applicable. You can also upload any image of your location. It would be easier for the user to identify the location if you put an image. Once you filled up all the information, you can click on submit to complete your creation process. On click of submit, you will get confirmation page where you can select the options available for caravan. After creating point, you can join your own caravan , invite people to join your caravan, share you point on facebook, put a link of your carvan widget on your website or at any personal page.

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